Ed Tech Resources
by Mark Sivy
Here are links to a few educational technology resources
that I’ve used over the years. I hope they prove to be as useful to you as they
were to me.
technology, also termed instructional technology, information and communication
technology (ICT) in education, Ed Tech, and learning technology, is "the
study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance
by creating, using and managing appropriate technological processes and
resources." A closely related…
This blog is an ongoing source of the latest news, events,
issues, etc. that are associated with ed tech. For example here’s the latest from
the Tifton Gazette - Changes in technology are changing the way we educate students.
This school year marks the beginning of a new program that allows Tift County
students to learn online. Blended learning is a new format in which students
are taking online classes, but are doing so in a…
The Florida Digital Educator program supports
the appropriate integration of technology into K-12 education…
Join our tribe of passionate educators, leaders and experts
who are committed to expanding the horizons of education technology. Home to
the ISTE Conference & Expo and the widely adopted ISTE Standards for learning, teaching
and leading in the digital age, the association represents more than 100,000
Directory of Learning &
Performance Tools. Listed in the left hand sidebar are the main pages of
the Directory of Learning & Performance Tools. There are over
2,000 tools for learning and working in education and the workplace
listed. If you would like to submit a tool…
Building the capacity
of leaders to improve education through technology. The State Educational Technology Directors
Association (SETDA) is a 501(c)3 not-for-profit membership association launched
by state education agency leaders in 2001 to serve, support and represent their
emerging interests and needs with respect to the use of technology for
teaching, learning, and...